Thursday, September 13, 2007

yeah..i'm finished

overall I think the program was fantastic...i wish we could have had a computer lab type explore/walkthrough for when we get stuck and maybe it wouldn't have been as frustrating at times. I think it exposed me to some things I will continue to use and others that I will never use again but either way at least I'm now making an informed decision about what I like and don't.I also thought it was an excellent idea to have the information/tech class before we started..made it so it wasn't as scary to navigate...I would like to thank all of those who put the program together and managed was evident in the content they put a lot of hard work and time into the program...thanks again 5 out of 5 ravens heads CALL CALL!

1 comment:

IrmBrown said...

Congratulations on finishing. What was the most valuable thing you learned? What was the least valuable? Annette had sent out several emails asking people to contact her and meet in the lab... I'm surprised you didn't take advantage of those offers...